Africa’s First True-Corner 3D Digital Billboard Set to Launch in Nigeria

Posted on September 7, 2023

The evolving transitions from traditional media to immersive technological infusion in global marketing processes have created the experiential industry’s demands for 3D digital billboards in Africa. According to Alpha and Jam, the 3D digital billboard will introduce a newer way for consumers and brands’ interactions with and through DOOH (Digital-Out-of-Home) media in Nigeria.

This redefinition of DOOH media will be championed by “The Maslow”, the owner of Africa’s largest airport digital billboard and Nigeria’s first true-corner 3D digital billboard. The launch is scheduled for the 29th of April, 2023 in partnership with Murtala Muhammed Airport (MM2) and major multinational brands.

The deployment of this billboard is to place Africa on the map of continents with techno-advanced advertising media. Nigeria will also be home to one of world’s most innovative 3D installation companies, Alpha and Jam, as the market for DOOH in the country becomes a veritable one going forward. 

The average long slot ad duration to be allotted to brands is 24 seconds and this is valued at about 1 million to 10 million Naira per advert depending on the project in view.

This innovation creates an opportunity for brands to give their target consumers’ the best sensory experience that catches their attention and influences their purchase decisions. Brand messages no longer take time and brand awareness just got better on the African continent.

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